Monday, September 17, 2007


Jack O'Reilly is only the fourth Mayor Dearborn, Michigan, has had since World War II. He was elected to office with 94% of the vote in February of this year. So it's not surprising, really, that O'Reilly takes a paternal, proprietary interest in his city. He knows what's best.

So when a third-year medical student named Houssein Zorkot, who maintains a website glorifying the Hezbollah terrorists, and proclaims his intention of engaging in "the start of my personal jihad" was arrested dressed in black, his face covered with camouflage paint, and carrying a loaded Kalashnikov rifle he had just purchased, the Mayor tried to cover it up.
According to Dearborn Mayor "Jack" O"Reilly, Jr., the release of information about the case was delayed until after Zarkot's arraignment and late in the day that marked the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. City officials feared that announcing the arrest of an armed Arabic man so close to anniversary of the attack would stir anti-Muslim sentiments and fan the flames of terrorism.

"We didn't want this to become more than it is," O'Reilly said. "There are certain things that the media latches onto, and this would have turned into a story about terrorism. That's not the kind of tone we want to set."
And following the Mayor's lead, the story has barely attracted any notice beyond the local press. Google news lists less than 10 news stories in the press about this terrorist wannabe.

Of course we understand that the Mayor wants to curry favor with his Arab-American citizens. Michelle Malkin notes where a lot of Dearborn's benjamins come from. But by assuming they approve of this sort of jihadist fantasy escapade, isn't Mayor O'Reilly really insulting his Arab constituents, and insinuating that they must be terrorist sympathizers? But that isn't really the point.

The point is that he was deliberately seeking to conceal the motives that underlie Houssein Zorkot's bizarre actions. It's the JIHAD, stupid. Jihad. As if avoiding the truth would make the ugly reality go away.

Even worse, the Mayor's deceptiveness serves to lull the law-abiding, non-jihadi citizens of Dearborn, and the United States into a false sense of complacency.

And to prevent the accumulation of any evidence that President Bush and General Petraeus are right: if we do not defeat the terrorists OVER THERE, we shall surely have to face them OVER HERE.

As ACE puts it:
What a strange world. Members of an Unnamed Religion Prone To Violent Extremism routinely butcher and murder members of other religions (and insufficiently devout members of their own), and it's the sensitivities of this Unnamed Religion Prone To Violent Extremism we're supposed to devote so many of our brain-hours to appeasing.
Denial is not a river in Egypt. It's flowing freely right here in the USA.

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