Monday, September 03, 2007


Happy Labor Day:
At a summit Tuesday, Abbas and Prime Minister Ehud Olmert talked for the first time about the core issues that have scuttled decades of peace efforts - Palestinian refugees, final borders and the fate of Jerusalem. It was the first time Olmert and Abbas addressed the issues in depth and it represented an important building block for the November's peace conference. Before the meeting with Olmert, Abbas had warned the November conference would be a waste of time if the big three issues were glossed over. Bush proposed the conference this fall after bloody infighting split the Palestinian leadership into two rival governments. His administration sees the bitter internal split as an opportunity to push for a political settlement between Israel and the Palestinians.
Is there a single serious scholar or diplomat who thinks that a peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians can be achieved without a reunification of the West Bank and Gaza? Certainly not Syria. Because if a three state solution isn't viable, then any Israeli concessions to Fatah will eventually be followed up by reunification between Fatah and Hamas. Which will happen on Hamas's terms, since Hamas is vastly more powerful. Which means that Israeli concessions to Fatah are de facto concessions to the genocidal terrorists in Hamas. And everybody knows it.

[Read an extended version of this post at Mere Rhetoric]

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