Sunday, September 02, 2007


Astonishing! Talk about dumbing down of school children in the west. Sweden once again gets the prize. You might be forgiven for thinking that maybe there was some well-meaning slip on some educationalist team's behalf, in missing out a few salient details of the communist era in the school curriculum, but you might get a bit suspicious when you found out that 90% of Swedish school children (argued by some as the best educated in Europe, or at least at one time) don't know what a communist gulag is and no, this is no mere accident. Keep reading, this gets unbelievable!
A recent opinion piece in Biblioteksbladet magazine (a periodical for Swedish librarians) denounced the government's plan to spread knowledge to students about the horrors of communism.

... In the article, two school librarians write that informing students about the crimes of communism would be wrong as it would risk making the pupils' views more right-wing.
Well now, we wouldn't want that now would we? Students learning the truth and all that. Young minds are impressionable. Best to make sure they're kept in the dark and fed...well you know.

"The total number of people killed by their own communist governments during the 20th Century is estimated at over 100 million." That's something you wouldn't even want them to find out in university. As a matter of fact, someone ought to ban those pesky books and censor that brazen internet! Oh, that's right. They have. In China.
Support for communism, both hidden and visible, is still quite prevalent among many groups of intellectuals, such as journalists, librarians and those writing in the culture pages of the daily papers. Indeed, outright supporters of communism can be found not only in the Swedish Left Party but also in the Green Party and in the ranks of the influential Social Democrats.

One symptom of this tendency is the widely believed myth among Swedes that Cuba is a relatively prosperous welfare state, offering a decent quality of life and fantastic healthcare to its citizens. Few bother to question the official statistics from a communist country where thousands of citizens have lost their lives whilst attempting to escape on rafts to the United States. Cuba might have gone from being the richest country in Central American to being the second poorest due to Castro's rule — but this has not stopped Swedish intelligentsia from spreading a positive view of his policies.

Similarly, Swedish journalists seem more interested in pointing out that Venezuela's Hugo Chavez is a morally superior socialist standing up to the vile Americans, than looking at his dubious moves towards a socialist planned economy and authoritarian rule.
MushroomsHow busy the Left must be and how organized, to keep slapping that whitewash over all the rot just to try to keep the rest of us living like mushrooms. It's time the next generation heard the truth, no matter how unpalatable.

Cross-posted here

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