Sunday, September 09, 2007

"THE BATTLE OF THE SURGE" - or to paraphrase Lewis Carroll: verdict first; trial afterward.

Remember folks, the effectiveness of the surge to date is not the real central question.

That's a straw man conjured up by the Leftists who dominate the Dems and the MSM - WHO ARE ALREADY DISCREDITING THE REPORT, EVEN THOUGH IT'S NOT BEEN GIVEN YET.

This is not "wait and see". This is coming to a preformed and prejudiced verdict BEFORE even hearing the evidence of EITHER side! THIS IS "VERDICT FIRST; TRIAL AFTERWARD." It sounds like something right out of Alice and Wonderland - or Kafka - AT BEST, or like a Stalinist show trial in the Soviet Union at its worst.

But it's neither surreal fiction or Stalinist show trial injustice; it's the reality of the anti-war partisans who now control Congress.

And it means that Petraeus and the surge will not get a fair hearing.

What's particularly sad about this is that the progress to date of the surge itself should not be the central question.

The real central question is not if the dirge is working well or not. But what is the long term interest of the USA and the Free World vis a vis Iraq. There can be no serious doubt that ONLY victory is in our interest. The next question is: how do we best accomplish it.

If the surge is working well in some areas and not others - we must adjust AND Not throw in the towel - which is what the Democrats want us to do, (as if it it would be a defeat for Bush and not the USA and the Free World).

If the surge is working adequately now but soon ceases to work well, then we must come up with other strategies - (perhaps attacking Tehran, who is directly supporting the Iraqi Shias). AND NOT THROW IN THE TOWEL.

This is an important thing to keep focused on as we enter the week when Congress will measure the results of the surge to date.

The idea that the surge is a "last resort" which is getting mediocre results, and all that's remains is retreat is Leftist propaganda.

There are many MANY other "forward-leaning" strategies we might adopt, none of which mean retreat or defeat. We could mine the Iraqi borders. We could declare war on the Shia militias which fail to disarm. We could quarantine Iraq and declare martial law with draconian curfews until they reach a compromise in their Parliament.

The best NEW tactic we could possibly adopt - the one which would demoralize the enemy more than any other - is if we would only make a unified commitment to victory and to supporting the nascent democracy of Iraq.

If Congress would unanimously vote for a Resolution calling for the continued military and financial support for a democratic Iraq, then the enemy would realize their propaganda efforts were worthless.

I actually think that this would also be the best possible PARTISAN strategy for the Democrats: if they give Bush a blank check for the duration of his term, then they can more easily run against him if it goes poorly, and merely focus on other domestic issues if it goes well. It's a win-win.

So why don't the Dems do something like this?

Because they are dominated by postmodern leftists (the Kossacks) who WANT the USA's military to be chastised.

They have felt this way since the 1960's. JEEZ: it's the same "anti-war" people: Kennedy, Kerry, Clinton, McGovern, Lamont, Kucinich, Conyers - THE DEMOCRAT PARTY IS RUN BY THE ANTI-VIETNAM WAR LEFT. This crowd surrendered to Ho Chi Minh. And they would have had us surrender to the USSR.

If they get their way, then they will have us surrender to al Qaeda in Iraq, too.

They were wrong then, they are wrong now.

And this GENERAL battle - between the classically liberal forces (who want the Free World defended and expanded), and the reactionaries of the Left (who want the USA chastised and brought under the domination of the UN and KYOTO and other transnational socialist organizations) - is the real battle we are fighting domestically.

And we must fight this battle as we simultaneously fight the jihadists.

The odds are against us: They have the Congress - (won because of Foleygate and Maccaccagate, and Abramofff AND NOT BECAUSE OF THE IRAQ WAR); they have the MSM - (which for two weeks has been running story after story about how the surge is failing).

f we lose to one of the enemies, then we lose to both.

They only have to win once.

This battle - "THE BATTLE OF THE SURGE" - will ultimately be won or lost BY US - the public; we who defeated Miers and the Dubai ports deal and Shamnesty.

We must now defeat the forces of retreat.

Do you remember that woman - pictured to the left?

She had just voted in Iraq's first ever REAL democratic election.

Her "vee-sign" doesn't stand for "peace".

It stands for VICTORY!

Let's not let her down.

Let's not allow the Congress to let her down.

She needs our support - now more than ever. She and millions like her.


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