Monday, September 03, 2007


RiotSydney's streets are expected to be the scene of unprecedented mayhem and most likely violence tomorrow, if scattered, anxious reports and police actions are any indicator. Apparently the Left are enraged, really enraged over something. I guess it's the presence of George W. Bush in Australia for the APEC meeting being held in our city, Sydney.

On the weekend, in pagan capital, Sydney suburb, Newtown, hordes of pantomime costumed Goths with a sinister perversion in their bizarre costuming swarmed the streets for some kind of gathering, perhaps to call upon the dark forces of mayhem to empower the coming riots in the streets of this city. They're all coming here; the misfits, the extreme, the perpetually bitter, the dark fringe of the masses across several states converging upon Sydney. The police hover nervously,arresting a homeless man with a camera, warning off a couple of tourists taking photos of the security fence.

Some Greenpeace activists have been arrested with an inflatable boat on the harbour, but the real dark clouds are at the horizon with groups planning real violence to begin in earnest from tomorrow, Tuesday.

A manual named FLARE (For Liberation Autonomy Resistance Exodus) created especially for the occasion, outlines how to resist police while committing acts of violence:
It tells protesters engaging in "direct action" to form small groups of five to 15 people and to wear masks so they cannot be identified.

"It is important to defy police attempts to frighten us," the so-called Mutiny Collective has written in one section.

The manual also tells rioters to wear gas masks, goggles, running shoes and full-body clothing to protect from tear gas and capsicum spray. It also advises carrying water and a bandanna soaked in vinegar to combat the effects of pepper spray.

The busloads of interstate activists expected to descend on Sydney are also told how to evade public transport fares, including forcing their way through railway station ticket barriers.

Read more here

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