Wednesday, August 22, 2007


I'm posting this because the Democrats are STILL attacking Bush and the GOP over Iraq as if it was some avoidable mistake of his - "A DUMB WAR", one he blundered into, lied into, misled us into...

This is ALL BULLSHIT. And all the Democrat candidates for the presidency are proving is that THEY ARE UNFIT FOR THE OFFICE.

Once and for all time, here's why the Iraq War was right and just and legal and necessary:

UNSCR # 687 was principle resolution which set out the terms and conditions for the ceasefire of the 1991 war - the so-called Gulf War. It was functionally an armistice.

The ISG and others have already proven beyond any reasonable doubt - and to a moral certitude - that Iraq was in flagrant violation of UNSCR # 687 (and UNSCR # 1441); therefore a casus belli existed.

This is the entire legal and moral justification for the war. This is true regardless of whether, or not, we ever discover any large stockpiles of WMD.

As such, the War in 2003 is not, nor was it ever "preemptive".

On Jauary 28th, 2004, CNN reported that David Kay - in sworn testimony said the following:
In my judgment, based on the work that has been done to this point of the Iraq Survey Group, and in fact, that I reported to you in October, Iraq was in clear violation of the terms of [U.N.] Resolution 1441.

Resolution 1441 required that Iraq report all of its activities -- one last chance to come clean about what it had. We have discovered hundreds of cases, based on both documents, physical evidence and the testimony of Iraqis, of activities that were prohibited under the initial U.N. Resolution 687 and that should have been reported under 1441, with Iraqi testimony that not only did they not tell the U.N. about this, they were instructed not to do it and they hid material.
The specific provisions of UNSCR # 687 which were irrefutably defied or broken were:
8. Decides that Iraq shall unconditionally accept the destruction, removal, or rendering harmless, under international supervision, of:

(a) All chemical and biological weapons and all stocks of agents and all related subsystems and components and all research, development, support and manufacturing facilities;

(b) All ballistic missiles with a range greater than 150 kilometres and related major parts, and repair and production facilities; . .

12. Decides that Iraq shall unconditionally agree not to acquire or develop nuclear weapons or nuclear-weapons-usable material or any subsystems or components or any research, development, support or manufacturing facilities related to the above;
Several provisions of UNSCR # 1441 were violated, too.

It should be reiterated that nowhere in UNSCR # 1441- that is to say not once - does it mention that "large stockpiles" of WMD are the only concern the, the major concern, or even the central concern.

In fact, the sixth (6th) paragraph of UNSCR#1441 specifically states that any and all WMD activity is specifically prohibited:
Deploring the fact that Iraq has not provided an accurate, full, final, and complete disclosure, as required by resolution 687 (1991), of all aspects of its programmes to develop weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missiles with a range greater than one hundred and fifty kilometres, and of all holdings of such weapons, their components and production facilities and locations, as well as all other nuclear programmes, including any which it claims are for purposes not related to nuclear-weapons-usable material.
REPEAT: The facts are incontrovertible: UNSCR # 1441 & 687 were violated. Therefore the resumption of war was right and necessary.

And in terms of international peace-keeping, it was the right thing to do to, too. WHY?! Because for international order and peace to flourish, despots, tyrants and genocidal terrorists must know that violating our laws, our UNSCR resolutions, and our treaties has very serious consequences - consequences they shouldn't risk, because they and their tyrannical regimes won't survive them.

This is a message that LIBYA heard and understood.

North Korea heard it - FINALLY, but is still dragging their feet a little.


And Democrats... are you listening?


  1. We were lied to. There were no WMD nor the means to make them.

  2. This is the most thorough legal background of the war I've ever read.

  3. sj: u r wrong on both counts.

    no one lied.

    and they had wmd - just no stockpiles.

    saddam lied in his final report to the unsc.

  4. The Iraq war is a war of aggression, which is a war crime under international law. The Iraq war also is an act of genocide, which is a heinous crime under international law.

    Everyone in the Bush regime and every politician that has ever voted for the war or ever will is subject to war crimes prosecutions. Under international law, those prosecutions can happen in any country for as long as those people live.

  5. that fact is that it was not a war of aggression; it was not even a war of preemption; it was a war of resumption - at the very least.

    in fact, we had never really stopped fighting a war against saddam: the "no fly zones" which prevented genocide - a thing liberals used actually support - were a low level war with saddam: he fired on us every week, and when he fired on us he was committing an ACT OF WAR.

    clinton didn't do anything effective. bush did.

    buish liberated 26 million iraqis from a dictator who was killing more unarmed defenseless iraqis each year than are dying in the war now each each.

    think about it.
