Wednesday, August 22, 2007


The E.U. in their infinite superiority have 'appealed' to Texas Gov. Rick Perry to abolish the death penalty in the event of the demise of soon-to-be-executed murderer, Johnny Ray Conner who shot and killed a shop owner in an armed holdup.

I don't think so, was the polite response of Perry's spokesman, Robert Black.

"The reason our forefathers fought a war 230 years ago was to throw off the yoke of a European monarch so that we may have the freedom of self-determination," Black said. "Texans long ago decided that the death penalty is a just and appropriate punishment for the most horrible crimes committed against our citizens."

In other words, mind your own business you panty-waisted pansies. And I would add, why doesn't Belgium go and try their luck with the Saudis who not only behead, but amputate, flog or whatever imaginative punishment takes their fancy. But somehow I don't think Islamophile Europe and their servile, kowtowers will be saying even one word to the Saudis.


Cross-posted here

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