Monday, August 20, 2007


It's not just al Qaeda that's been allowed to roam free there. Even Hamas is given free access to the blighty as well:
( A special report by the government's Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center shows that Great Britain continues to serve as a center for publications of Hamas incitement. The report notes that despite the terrorism the British themselves have experienced of late, they are not preventing the use of their country as a center for the dissemination of publications that include incitement and hatred towards Israel and the west, and the encouragement of suicide terrorists.

The report's introduction states that the Hamas terrorist movement attributes great importance to the media, both written and electronic, as a major tool in its struggle against the West. [...]

Although the headquarters of the Hamas media empire is found in Gaza, with guidance and help from Damascus and other Arab countries, it has a large branch in Great Britain, "which continues to be a center for the publication and dissemination of Hamas literature."
There's more at the link, including some photographs. Business as usual in Britain, where they've got no interest in keeping the country truly safe.

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