Sunday, July 01, 2007


They're so retarded:
Of 37 populations around the world, Palestinians rank first in their level of support for a nuclear-armed Iran, a new poll has revealed. The survey, taken by the Pew Global Attitudes Project, found that 58 percent of the Palestinian public are in favor of Tehran acquiring atomic weapons, making Palestinians the only Middle Eastern population not opposed to an Iranian bomb."Most of the Muslim countries surveyed have negative or mixed opinions of Iran. Majorities among just three Muslim publics – in Pakistan, Bangladesh and the Palestinian territories – say they favor Iran acquiring nuclear weapons," the survey said.
Will someone please explain to these idiots how wind works?

The poll also shows that only six percent of Palestinians support US policy in the region. That must be because the US hasn't been consistent enough about pursuing a two-state solution over the years. Apparently, in addition to wind, gratitude has also been pushed out of the curriculum in Palestinian schools. Wonder what replaced them... The other countries that have eyebrow-raise inducing negative opinions about the US: Jordan (aid recipient), Egypt (massive aid recipient, including military aid), and Turkey (NATO ally and aid recipient). Hmm...

[Cross-posted to Mere Rhetoric]

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