Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Chris Marsden was already blaming Israel before it was known that a
Palestinian Islamist, presumably committed to the extermination of Israel, was responsible for the bombings. Now we can expect the blame-Israel meme to be taken as writ. Anti-Semitism has reached such perverse levels that leftists are ready to turn on the enemies of their sworn enemies - to literally turn on natural allies. Example: Chris Marsden is a the National Secretary of the Socialist Equality Party, a perennial Trotskyist also-ran in Scottish and Welsh elections. He's been pondering why radical Muslims would come to London to try to kill people. And wouldn't you know it, while there's a lot that Britain has done wrong - the coup de grace is that they're just too damn nice to Jews:
The assertion that Muslim peoples have no legitimate cause for grievance against Britain... is a grotesque lie. Historically, the role of British imperialism in subjugating vast areas of the world - in India, Africa, Asia and the Middle East - has earned it the enmity of millions. Moreover, this is no past episode for which the British ruling elite are no longer responsible. Britain is a major power, whose corporations and banks play a significant role in maintaining the impoverished economic state of vast layers of the world's population. And during Blair's decade in office, it has played second-fiddle to the Bush administration in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as in backing Israel in its brutal suppression of the Palestinians and last year's offensive against Lebanon. The ability of Islamic fundamentalists to channel legitimate outrage at a nominally "Labour" government's neo-colonial foreign policy and its promotion of social divisions and anti-immigrant sentiment at home is fuelled by the role played by the trade union bureaucracy in supporting this imperialist and anti-social agenda.
Bonus conspiracy theory not-saying-just-asking-questions lunacy: "Given the nature of terrorism and the numerous examples of infiltration by the security services, it is impossible to rule out state involvement in or foreknowledge of the bomb plots." This is what's happened to an international Left - the Socialist Equality Party is a member of the Fourth International - that once boasted about being the most scientific and rational of all political movements.

[Read an extended version of this post at Mere Rhetoric]

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