Monday, July 16, 2007


You may not have known that John Edwards is a social scientist. At least he wants to be a social scientist. He wants to experiment with your children. Mike Allen reports:
Sen. John Edwards plans to warn later this week that the nation’s schools have become segregated by race and income, and he will propose measures to diversify both inner-city and middle-class schools.
Doesn't matter that you might have worked hard at two jobs and scrimped and saved so that you could move your children to a better neighborhood with a better school system. John Edwards wants to take your tax money and bring the old neighborhood right back to you!
The proposals Edwards plans to unveil would encourage income diversity in schools, in the hope that poor students would have more experienced teachers and motivated classmates. As explained by people who have been consulted about the program, Edwards wants to set aside $100 million to help school districts implement economic integration programs. The money will help finance buses and other resources for schools that enroll additional low-income children.
By the way, don't expect to see John Edwards's children - or Teresa Heinz's - or Nancy Pelosi's - in those highly diversified schools. Edwards and his ilk have their children in private schools. He's going to experiment on your children, not his, stupid. He didn't take home $150-million by channeling foetuses in highly suspect medical malpractice suits for that.

UPDATE: 24hrs later and POWER LINE weighs in.


  1. more recently the hypocrite edwards took home MILLIONS by working for a HEDGE FUND.

    the left's hypocrisy knows no bounds.

  2. There is something totally skeevy and untrustworthy about this man.
