Wednesday, July 25, 2007



Never have so many believed so deeply in such foul rubbish or so many insane canards: NY's racists cabbies; the Florida recount; defeat in Iraq; CO2/AGW; 45 million uninsured, 9/11 was an inside job, and so on. As Ann points out, these canrds have become the core of the Democrat Platform despite the fact that they have all the credibility of the old KKK/Kool cigarette legend.

The IDIOCY of the Dems is not just because they base their policies on a bankrupt ideology (Leftism/"PROGRESSIVISM") which has been completely discredited by the collapse of the USSR and Red China and by failure of "The Great Society" and the success of Welfare Reform.

It's also a result of the fact that THEY SEEM TO LIVE IN AN ALTERNATE UNIVERSE.

Use the link; RTWT.

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