Monday, July 02, 2007


Clinton reduced the size of the US military by HUGE amounts - as if the demise of the USSR would mean an age of peace would reign.

As if the numerous jihado-terrorist attacks on US interests meant nothing.
[FACTS: By 1993, the drawdown had reduced the Army well below the floor established by Colin Powell's Base Force Plan. But in 1996, the Clinton administration made it clear that even these levels weren't enough. In the mid—to—late 90s, the Army was under pressure to not only reduce the number of active duty divisions, but to also reduce the numbers of Soldiers within the combat divisions themselves. The Force XXI experiments initiated some major changes in the armor and mechanized infantry maneuver battalions that included eliminating an entire maneuver company from the battalion organization. Instead of four companies, battalions now had only three. ]
The result is that the USA is weaker EVEN NOW than it might have been, and it will take another 5 years to build up the force levels to their proper size.

BLAIR - (a leftie like BJ Clinton) - DID THE SAME THING TO THE UK.

Listen up folks:

Disarmament failed at the end of WW1.

Reagan's arms build up made the world safer.

If we want the world to be safer in the future than we in the free and civilized West must build up our military.

I do NOT trust the Dems to do this here - or the Left to do this ANYWHERE.

This will not happen here if we have a Dem in the WH.

We must help elect a GOP Congress and make the next POTUS a GOP if we are gong to win WW4.

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