Saturday, May 26, 2007


An exiled opposition leader from Syria has been invited by one of the Likud members to visit the Knesset:
Syrian exile and opposition leader Farid Gadry, of the Syrian Reform Party, is expected to visit the Knesset. He was invited by MK Yuval Steinitz (Likud), former chair of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee.

Gadry, who is expected to speak before the committee on June 11, will be the second Syrian expatriate to address it this year. Last month, the committee heard Syrian-American businessman Ibrahim Suleiman. He discussed his contacts with Alon Liel, former Foreign Ministry director general, on a proposed peace deal.

Unlike Suleiman, who is rumored to be in contact with Syrian President Bashar Assad, 51-year-old Gadry is the founder of a political movement aimed at bringing down Assad's regime. The Syrian Reform Party, founded in exile in the U.S. in 2003, aspires to replace Assad's Alawi minority rule with a democratic system that puts power in the hands of the Sunni majority.
This could be a good way of letting people know that no matter what the left and the MSM want people to think, Assad is not interested in making peace with Israel. His father was not, and it's unlikely that Bashar is any different.

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