Saturday, May 05, 2007


Los Angeles has the largest Israeli ex-pat population on the planet. Yes, larger than even NYC - no offense meant to our friends in the Capital of the World, but your burekas suck and your hummus is not nearly as good as you think it is. But if you think that "it couldn't happen here", you are very much mistaken:
A vandal today glued drawings of swastikas and two anti-Semitic messages to the front of the Sherman Oaks office of Los Angeles City Councilman Jack Weiss. Epoxied to the glass front door were three 8.5-by-11-inch sheets of paper, each showing the Nazi flag in color. Another sheet, glued above Weiss' name on the door, contained a printed message: "Mein Fuhrer Die Office Official of Natziesque Extraordinaire." The final sheet contained a long message that began: "Our policy: we have no time to listen to Jewish American children!!! If you don't believe us, just try talking to us... Hail Weiss!"
Now admittedly the message is a little... unclear. Doesn't the note kind of sound like a rightwing Jew complaining that Weiss is a Nazi because he doesn't care about Jewish American children (ala settlers calling Rabin, Barak, Sharon, etc Hitlers or IDF troops Nazis). We kind of doubt that's what's going on though: (1) most people simply aren't that crazy and (2) as Rick Richman explained late last year, Weiss is one of the good guys. It's more likely, this is just a random quote that the LAT took from the notes because they were totally incoherent, LA Observed says that there was white supremacist graffiti included in the vandalism, which means that this is probably just a straightforward hate crime. But no matter how it turns out, the article talks about how LA is seeing a spike of anti-Semitic hatred across the board. It could very much happen here.

[Cross-posted to Mere Rhetoric]

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