Thursday, May 10, 2007


The French centrist politician François Bayrou split with the majority of his own members of parliament yesterday and launched a new political party, the Mouvement Démocrate.

M. Bayrou, 55, who had once seemed capable of springing a surprise in the presidential election, said that he was creating a "new, independent political force" of "free men and women".

By a show of hands at a conference in Paris, grass-roots members voted overwhelmingly to dissolve M. Bayrou's old party, the Union pour la Démocratie Francaise (UDF).

However, 21 out of the 29 UDF deputies in the national assembly repudiated M. Bayrou. They have bowed to pressure from France's president-elect, Nicolas Sarkozy, and agreed to join a "centrist" section of his centre-right party, the Union Pour un Mouvement Populaire (UMP).
As I posted three days ago, Sarko needs a compromise-proof majority in the National Assembly to govern effectively and institute the necessary reforms. AND AS I FURTHER POSTED, the first crucial step for him would be to consolidate voters from Bayrou.

I think this news-item proves that he's taken the steps necessary to do just that.

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