Thursday, May 10, 2007


In his call for Ehud Olmert to resign, Ehud Barak may be sending a double-message:
Former prime minister Ehud Barak on Monday called on Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to resign in the wake of the Winograd Committee's scathing report on the Second Lebanon War, in his first public comments since the report's release.

At a news conference in Sdot Yam, Barak said that "the [former] chief of staff has reached personal conclusions, and the defense minister has reached personal conclusions in his own way. I believe that the prime minister will find the appropriate way to reach personal conclusions, but to date this hasn't happened."

"The Winograd Report is a harsh report, the conclusions of which justify personal conclusions," added Barak.

When asked by reporters if by "personal conclusions" he means the prime minister must resign, Barak answered in the affirmative.
What they don't seem to mention here is that Barak himself was cited in the Winograd report as being one of those responsible for enabling the Hezbollah to arm itself and build up its influence in Lebanon.

And Barak even sent out a two-sided message:
"Only a leadership that enjoys the deep faith of the public can lead Israel in this current crisis," he added.

However, should Olmert resign, that would "pave the way for Labor to remain in the government," Barak said.

The former prime minister said he would be "willing to contribute, based on my experience, as defense minister" during a potential transition period until the formation of a new government or early elections.

Barak added that, for this purpose, the continued presence of Labor ministers in the government is "very important."
What this may not mention was that Barak said that he'd be willing to serve as a defense minister in Olmert's government during a transition period, which actually is shown in the article, but not Olmert's own name. If he did, then that's hinting at how dishonest he really is.

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