Friday, May 04, 2007


Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has threatened to take over the country's private banks and largest steelmaker.

But he said he would refrain from nationalisation if the firms began to work in the "national interest".

The banks should make domestic loans a priority while steel firm Ternium-Sidor should supply the local market with cheap products, Mr Chavez added.

The threat comes days after Venezuela took control of the last privately-run oil operations in the country.

... Mr Chavez embarked on a widespread nationalisation drive in January, after winning a landslide victory in the national elections.

As a result of the measures the country's largest telecom firm, CANTV, the electricity sector and its oil refineries are being brought under state control.
There is NO DOUBT about it: Chavez is a thug. And STILL a darling of the chic leftist glitterati. Lke that other thug Castro. Meanwhile, they accuse Bush - AND RUDY - of being fascsist. HYPOCRITES. Idiots.

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