Thursday, April 05, 2007


It seems we've got still some more examples of Che worship running around on the loose (via Michelle Malkin).

Speaking of which, I also found an example of Che Guevara whitewashing: on this fansite for the old Neo-Geo game system, the site's main review editor fawns over Che as well, in a review of an old game called Guerrilla War.

When I first saw that video game two decades ago, I'd thought then that it was just a simple good-vs-evil action game with a pair of resistance fighters on a mission to bring down a cruel king in an unnamed South American country. But I hadn't realized then that the picture in the game captioned "hail the heroes of the revolution!" was an allusion to Guevara. Today, I'm pretty disappointed that the company (SNK) bothered to make it, totally oblivious to the fact that Che was in truth a bloodthirsty hypocrite. But what's really dreadful is that the fansite would go so far as to fawn over it!

I once had this game fansite on my list of bookmarks, until I found out one day that they'd pulled this stupid whitewash. I promptly took them off. The whole notion that it's "just a game" doesn't wash with me.

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