Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Kin Abdullah of Saudi Arabia told Arab leaders on Wednesday that the American occupation of Iraq is “illegal,” and he warned that unless Arab governments settle their differences, foreign powers like the United States would continue to dictate the region’s politics. ... On Wednesday, the king called for an end to the international boycott of the new Palestinian government. The United States and Israel want the boycott continued.

In addition, King Abdullah invited President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran to Riyadh earlier this month while the Americans want him shunned. And in trying to settle the tensions in Lebanon, the Saudis seem willing to negotiate with Iran.

Last week, the Saudi king abruptly canceled his appearance at an April White House dinner planned in his honor, The Washington Post reported on Wednesday. The official reason given for the cancellation was a scheduling conflict.
WELL, WELL, WELL... let' see now ... where do we begin...

FIRST, the occupation by the USA of Iraq is legal and UN sanctioned - more than that, the USA has a legal RESPONSIBILITY to stay in Iraq because of both a UN mandate and the mandate of the duly elected constitutional government of the Republic of Iraq. The King can kiss my ass on this charge.

SECOND, the boycott of the Palestinian government is correct because Hamas refuses to accept ANY of the negotiated deals between Israel and the Arabs: not Oslo, not Wye, not the Roadmap. Recognizing the PA with Hamas in charge would be tantamount to agreeing that Israel - a full member of the UN - has no right to exist.

THIRD, if the King wants to support Iran and Ahmadinejad, then he cannot really be for an end to sectarian violence in Iraq - (WHICH REMINDS ME: Muslims in Iraq have killed MORE MUSLIMS since 2004 than Israel has killed Arabs since 1948. SO if the King REALLY wanted to protect Muslims he should be doing more to squash Sunni-Shia internecine terror than he has to date. That should be REAL EASY: TO DATE, HE AND SAUDI ARABIA HAVE DONE DIDDLY-SQUAT).

This little speech by King Abdullah fully exposes the irrational, ignorant, ant-Semitic, anti-West position of the Kingdom. THEY ARE NO MORE AN ALLY THAN PUTIN, AND SHOULD BE TREATED AS SUCH.


  1. Excellent response to Abdullah's comments. I'm sharing it with my readers. Didn't see a trackback URL.

    Great work.

    Right Truth
