Saturday, March 17, 2007


Their government approves of the new Fatah/Hamas coalition. They clearly seem to just take it at face value, that it'll actually work, or they're not willing to admit that it's a coalition of evil that's being formed here:
Norway recognized the new Palestinian government just minutes after it was approved Saturday, and said it would normalize relations with the Hamas-Fatah coalition.

"Norway welcomes the formation of the Palestinian unity government," Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Stoere said in a statement, adding the coalition was "taking important steps towards complying with the international community's demands."

"Norway will thus on this basis re-establish political and economic relations with the Palestinian government," he said.

Norway is not a member of the European Union, but is a key player in Middle East peacemaking and one of the most steadfast contributors to the Palestinian Authority. Secret negotiations in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, led to a historic Israeli-Palestinian peace accord in 1993.
If they're really not members of the EU, that's a bit surprising. But of course that doesn't make them any less a problem than they are. Next to Britain, they may have the worst politicians in Europe.

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