Sunday, March 18, 2007


Hundreds of Mexican soldiers have taken over the police headquarters in the eastern Tabasco state, as part of an effort to curb drug-related violence.

The troops seized weapons from police, after the force had come under suspicion of working with drugs gangs. Three people were detained in the raid in Villahermosa, the state capital. Tabasco had largely escaped the drug violence that has blighted Mexico, but in recent months the state has become caught up in the crime wave.

Last week, a severed head was found in front of the police headquarters. It had apparently been left there as a threat by criminals. Now the police themselves have come under suspicion of being connected to the drug gangs, says the BBC's Duncan Kennedy in Mexico City.

A similar operation was mounted in the north-western city of Tijuana in January.
BRAVO CALDERON! THE DEFEATED LEFTIST CANDIDATE FOR THE PRESIDENCY, OBRADOR, WOULD HAVE NEVER TAKEN THESE BOLD MEASURES. [ASIDE: Villahermosa was once a safe touristic town - home of LA VENTA, a statuary park of beautiful ancient Olmec monuments - see above. Perhaps - if the crackdown continues - Villahermosa will one day be a safe place to visit --- as was Oaxaca once...]


  1. Calderon is just helping the drug cartels.

    Just as alcohol prohibition supported the Mafia.

    When will we learn from past mistakes?

    Why is demand for drugs so inelastic?

    Because Addiction Is A Genetic Disease. You do not catch it from drugs. It is triggered by trauma. Mostly child abuse.

    Do Republicans support drug prohibition because it finances criminals or because it finances terrorists?

    Republican Socialism. Price supports for criminals and terrorists.

    You really want to hurt the cartels? Legalize. It worked once. It can work again.

    Cracking down will never make Villahermosa safe. Just as increased enforcement of alcohol prohibition didn't make Chicago safe. Legalization did.

  2. addiction does not explain all drug use, nor does genetics explain all addiction.

    lots of bad behavior has a genetic component - should we allow them all --- like pedophilia; rape; serial murder, etc.

    we prohibit a lot of behavior - for good reason.

    REMEMBER: Liberty without Natural Law is libertinage.

    drug laws and immibration laws need to be enforced.
