Saturday, March 31, 2007


McCain is having memory problems on whether he was ever offered the Vice Presidency by John Kerry in 2004. First, he said this:
McCain has said he would not run with Kerry, but last month he renewed speculation when he was asked on ABC's "Good Morning America" whether he would consider running with Kerry. He replied, "Obviously, I would entertain it."
Then he said that it was never offered to him.

Now he says it was offered but he didn't accept.

The bottom line is because McCain is so willing to stab his own party in the back time after time it is easy to believe he has seriously considered jumping ship. The rumors being spread by Democrats that McCain seriously considered switching to the Democrat party are just a little too easy to believe. This is reason #101 on why McCain will never be the Republican nominee for President.


  1. Now I'm curious - who besides McCain really has a chance to win as the Republican nominee?

  2. troll.

    rudy is leading mccain. both mccain and rudy each beat hillary in head-to-head polls.

    you are a fucking anti-American anti-US military moron and a troll - david cyrus dunkle of melbourne florida. (listed in the phone book. with your address.)

  3. Oh, -OK- Rudy is going to win. Yeah, I wouldn't bet the farm on that one, farmboy.

    Boy, the phone has just been ringing off the hook lately, what's with that?
