Friday, March 16, 2007

Making A Favicon

For some time now I have wanted a custom icon for my browser tab. It is really simple to make one. Here is how to do it for Blogger blogs.

Make a picture with your digital camera or scanner and save it as a .jpg on your hard drive. Go to FavIcon from Pics and hit the Browse button to get your saved image from the directory you saved it in. Then hit Generate FavIcon.ico button. It will ask you where you want to save the .zip file. Save it. Go to the directory the .zip file was saved and right click on the file and do an Extract All... You will have a file called Favico its extension is .ico You can change the name of the file if you like. Post this file as a web page. I use My Web Page by Netscape. Once the file has a url, save the url some place useful like a text file. Then go to your blogger editing tools and click on Template. Then click on Edit HTML Look for the tag <head> - Right below that tag add the following HTML

<link href='url of Favicon' rel='shortcut icon'/>
<link href='url of Favicon' rel='icon'/>


All done. Refresh your blog page and your FavIcon will show up.

If you need more help this Google page has lots of good links. For more help with other blogging tools go to this Google page which is more general. Thanks to Luboš Motl for the hints that got me started. Cross Posted at Power and Control


  1. I don't see the Statue of Liberty yet on my browser tab.

  2. HA!

    it squashes the TAB side bar thingy.
    I'll work on it tomorrow!\

    BTW: the agw post/thread over at PNC is GRRRRREAT!

  3. Thanks, for those of us that are technically-challenged this is very helpful!!
