Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Drudge Flash featuring partial transcript from Hardball with Chris Matthews:
MSNBC host Chris Matthews spoke with Libby juror Ann Redington on HARDBALL. Juror [#10] says she would support a Bush pardon for Libby. Transcript:

Chris: You're for a pardon out of sympathy for the defendant.

Ann: Yeah, I think in the big picture, um, it kind of bothers me that there was this whole big crime being investigated and he got caught up in the investigation as opposed to in the actual crime that was supposedly committed.

Chris: Which is the leaking of a CIA agents name.

Ann: Exactly.
Uuuggghhh!! I swear to G-d I'm going to have a stroke! There was no crime committed!!! Valerie Plame was NOT covert!! and even if she was, it was the beloved Richard Armitage who outed her!!!! [And he outed her to buttress Wilson, not as payback or to thwart and whistle-blowing! Reliapundit!]


  1. LOL. Love the wingnut denial in full effect. Perjury is an actual crime, numbnuts.

    And 1/ it's a simple lie that Plame wasn't covert, cooked up out of the government's not confirming it (because, erm, it does not confirm that agents are covert) and 2/ Armitage was Novak's source, but he wasn't the only person to leak to the press. What teh fuck do you think Libby was doing with Judy over coffee?

  2. The only thing numb is the space between your ears. I'm not talking about the perjury charge, bozo. It's this "big crime" that was "supposedly committed." Your notion that she was covert is a lie made up to confuse the public, and you know it. Everyone knew. And as far as Libby having lunch with Judy, welcome to Washington, Chumley. Everybody talks to everybody about most everything, whether they talked about Plame I don't know, but it wouldn't have mattered if they did, she wasn't covert.
