Friday, March 23, 2007


The government minister suspected of illegal activities this time is one Abraham Hirchson, minister of finance, but maybe not much longer, now that he too has come under investigation for embezzlement and bribery scams:
Kadima has already begun seeking out an appropriate replacement for Finance Minister Abraham Hirchson, in light of suspicions that he was involved in the embezzlement of funds from a non-profit organization and received a monetary bribe. It is unclear whether or not Hirchson will resign over the incident.

For the time being, his office is carrying on as usual and their official response is that the minister has no intentions of resigning from his post.

However, according to Ynetnews, his associates said Wednesday, "Hirchson's situation is complicated. It's unclear yet where he'll be when all the investigations are over."
I think by now it's coming closer and closer to where Hirchson will have to step down. If anything, this just shows how Kadima is crumbling one by one.

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