Friday, March 30, 2007


The situation in Iran continues to get worse. Why? As Rush points out its because Iran knows that no one is going to have the guts to do anything. Here is an excerpt of his comments from yesterday's show:
The Iranians have guts. They just announced today, "Oh, guess what? We've changed our mind. We're not going to release the female prisoner that we've got, and what's anybody going to do about it?" They know nobody's going to do anything about it. They know the Brits aren't going to do anything about it, except officially condemn it via diplomatic channels. Yip yip, yahoo! You think that's going to excite or bother Mahmoud Ahmadinejad? The Iranians have a history of not releasing hostages until a president in this country is elected that they fear. In the last case, it would be of course Ronaldus Magnus.
Read about Newt's solution that Rush talks about here.

I love all the liberals whining to high heaven about Geneva Conventions and how the U.S. should follow them but no one says a word when Hitler Jr. of Iran completely violates them.

I know I shouldn't be shocked but I can't believe the fact that liberals are defending Iran in all of this.

The latest from Tony Blair:
Prime Minister Tony Blair said Thursday that Britain would not negotiate over British sailors and marines held hostage by Iran. In an interview with ITV News, Blair again called for the unconditional return of the 15 Royal Navy personnel who were seized by Iranian authorities last week.
This is what the UN is doing (pathetic):
Britain took its case to free its 15 sailors and marines held by Iran to the United Nations on Thursday, asking the Security Council to support a statement that would "deplore" Tehran's action and demand their immediate release.

But Security Council diplomats said the brief press statement circulated by Britain's U.N. Mission is likely to face problems from Russia and others because it says the Britons were "operating in Iraqi waters"—a point that Iran contests.

A press statement is the weakest action the Security Council can take, but the statement must be approved by all council members. Diplomats said Britain was also weighing a stronger presidential statement, which unlike a press statement, is read at a formal Security Council meeting and becomes part of its official record.

Tony Blair Speaks Out Against Iran

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