Saturday, March 10, 2007

Genocide Question

America left South Vietnam to its own devices in 1975, leading to 2 1/2 million deaths and totolitarian governments in Cambodia and Vietnam.

So I assume the anti-war mantra now is: if it turns out no worse than 'Nam every thing will be fine.

Also note that in '75 all the South was asking for was material support and airstrikes against the invading North.

The anti-war folks who constantly scream about genocide now want to enable another one.


So the question is: if our leaving initiates a genocide in Iraq should we go back to save the people we once promised to protect?

Cross Posted at Power and Control and at Classical Values


  1. Actually it's worse: the last US ground troop left Vietnam on 3/29/73.

    The South didn't fall until 1975.

    The SVG fell because the Democrat doves in Congress pulled the plug on financing them.

    REPEAT: the troops were home already.

    And as the North Vietnamese marxist tyrants marched into Saigon - in flagrant violation of the peace treaty - the Dem doves did nothing.

    Looking back, they still do not even think they did anything wrong; they still think the war was wrong.

    The did the same thing to the shah and the Contras.

    They want to do the same to the Iraqis.

    They would - in my estimation - do the same to Israel!

    YUP: they would take up the old EU and current left position: Israel's on transigence and apartheid are to blame. CARTER PROVES THIS.

    genocide is NOT important to these leftist.

    The excuse stalin's and mao's and pol pot's and prefer to only see hitler's (while denying he was a socialist!) and pinochet's(! - which was minuscule by ANY reasonable standard, and probably NOT even genocide).

    that's why i think that if the dems takeover the WH and abandon the iraqis, that they will juist blame bush for the genocide that will follow.

    and then appease the jihadists they way they preferred appeasing the USSR.

    they felt reagan was a greater threat to "world peace" than the USSR.

    which is NUTS!

    i know: i was one of them then!

    thank for these great links!

    all the best.

  2. simon: you know how irrational the left is (was)?

    they destroyed LBJ over Vietnam despite the fact that he was the most successful liberal president of all time: civil rights acts, voting rights acts. medicare, Medicaid, the great society - MORE THAN FDR IN A SHORTER LENGTH OF TIME!

    but ceding SE Asia to the commies was MORE important.

    Remember: they were not for peace; they were on the other side.

    their "murder" of LBJ and their silence about the genocide in post-war SE Asia proves this.

    this might demand a separate post...


  3. No, Vietnam fell because it was being over-run by a Chinese/Soviet backed invasion; the Chinese and Soviets got involved because the United States was supporting a French effort to re-colonize the country.

    If the United States had put global interests ahead of the ALL-MIGHT DOLLAR then it would have SUPPORTED Ho Chi Minh when on 2nd September 1945 over a hundred thousand of his supporters massed in Hanoi to listen to Ho Chi Minh read out the "American Declaration of Independance" as his guide for forming a new democracy.

    Instead, Washington decided to support the French re-colonization effort, including the French shelling of Haiphong Harbour where they had agreed to peace talks with the Vietnamese.

    Although BOTH the US and the communist have motive to pretend Ho Chi Minh was a communist, he was no more a communist than George Washington was French. Washington accepted French weapons to fight the British; just as Ho accepted communist aid to fight the combined US/French forces.

    Vietnam is a communist State today because idiots in the United States wanted France to Bechtel etc. to rebuild Europe after the war.

    SAME reason Iran is an Islamic State today, because US oil wanted to get rid of Prime Minister Mossadegh and install a US oil friendly Bristish designed monarch who repressed the nation for twenty years until even an Islamic frantic was able to get support to form government.

    Corporate America BLOW-BACK.
