Monday, March 19, 2007


As I watched the vitriol of some of the anti-war protesters from this past weekend I had several thoughts.

The biggest thing that hit me was that they have no concept of history. Right after watching the protesters on Hannity's America was a biography of Winston Churchill. I thought about the ridiculous claims that protesters were chanting about how Bush is like Hitler. That is such a slap in the face to the MILLIONS of victims who suffered under the hand of Hitler. Even the worst president in America's history cannot be compared in any way, shape or form to Hitler. If you do then you have no grasp of the horrific cruelty that Hitler imposed on the world.

The protesters also have an intense hatred for Fox News. The left controls every single other MSM outlet and yet they hate the one network that tries to be objective and show a bias towards America. They hate our country so much that hardly any of the anti-war crowd carried an American flag.

When I reflect on this I see the protesters as a bunch of bitter people who hate their country, who hate the truth and are ignorant of history.

Also, an update to my post on the patriotic Eagles who countered the anti-war protesters. It looks like the Eagles had 2 to 3 times as many people as the anti-war bunch yet no one in the Drive By Media is reporting this. Although, amazingly, The Washington Post at least wrote an article about The Eagles. They even had this to say in their favor:
Their lines snaked around the corner and down several blocks of Constitution Avenue in what organizers called the largest gathering of pro-administration counter-demonstrators since the war began four years ago.

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