Saturday, March 10, 2007


An Israeli diplomat points out how Mahmoud Abbas has lied to them thrice:
PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas of Fatah has broken three explicit promises he made to Israel regarding diplomatic matters, and "cannot be depended upon." So says a top Israeli government official. [...] Arutz-7's Haggai Huberman, to whom the source spoke on condition of anonymity, reports that the first lie occurred last June, when terrorist prisoners in Israeli jails formulated what became known as the Prisoners Document. The paper's goal was to formulate guidelines for Hamas-Fatah understandings, and called for an Arab state in all of Judea, Samaria and Gaza. It also emphasized no fewer than five times the so-called "right of return" for millions of Arabs to Israel, and encouraged further terrorism.

In meetings with Israeli officials, Abbas promised clearly that he would not support the document, which was drawn up under the leadership of arch-terrorist Marwan Barghouti. Not only did he support it, however, he made great efforts to have Hamas support it as well.

The second deception of Abu Mazen was just several weeks ago, on the eve of the Hamas-Fatah summit meeting in Mecca. Abu Mazen had promised beforehand that he would not form a unity government with Hamas unless it included the Quartet's pre-conditions: recognition of Israel and agreements signed with it, and renunciation of terrorism. In the end, however, the agreement signed in Mecca for a Hamas-Fatah unity government does not recognize Israel, does not renounce terrorism, and includes only an oblique reference to "respecting" - not "fulfilling" - past agreements with Israel.

Abu Mazen's third lie was revealed in the Maariv newspaper yesterday (Thursday). The paper reported that tax monies Israel handed over to Abbas, based on a clear understanding that they would not reach the Hamas government, in fact made their way to Hamas.

Abbas, viewed as a "moderate" by the United States and the international community, "is not trustworthy," the Israeli diplomat concluded.
He's just like the rest of the Moors (Muslims) of whom Cervantes wrote many centuries ago...

Reliapundit adds this note:
By 1570 Cervantes had enlisted as a soldier in a Spanish infantry regiment stationed in Naples, then a possession of the Spanish crown. He was there for about a year before he saw active service. In September 1571, Cervantes sailed on board the Marquesa, part of the galley fleet of the Holy League (a coalition of the Pope, Spain, Venice, Republic of Genoa, Duchy of Savoy, the Knights of Malta and others under the command of John of Austria) that defeated the Ottoman fleet on October 7 in the Gulf of Lepanto near Corinth.

Though taken down with fever, Cervantes refused to stay below, and begged to be allowed to take part in the battle, saying that he would rather die for his God and his king than keep under cover.

He fought bravely on board a vessel, and received three gunshot wounds – two in the chest and one which rendered his left hand useless for the rest of his life. In Journey to Parnassus, he was to say that he "had lost the movement of the left hand for the glory of the right" (he was thinking of the success of the first part of Don Quixote).

Cervantes always looked back on his conduct in the battle with pride: he believed that he had taken part in an event that would shape the course of European history.[5]
Cervantes: a brave soldier who fought in one of the most important early battles in the thousand year war: global jihad.

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