Wednesday, February 28, 2007


My 3 older kids and I are headed to Missouri's Capitol Thursday night. On Friday my kids and I are going to attend the one-day Teenpact class for 8-12 yr. olds. We have been busy getting them ready for the class.

We have been reading the book Real Citizenship by Tim Echols who is the founder of Teenpact. It is good, although Echols is definitely a little more rigid and strict than I am but the kids and I are learning and being reminded of some good stuff. On the cover, after the title it says, "Practical Steps for Making an Impact on Your Culture". I want my kids to learn early how to make a positive difference in their culture instead of the other way around.

Their homework before the class includes:
1) Reading the book Real Citizenship
2) Memorizing I Timothy 2:1-3
3) Learn their State Rep & State Senator's name and district
4) Pray for and send a letter to them
5) Write a one-page bill

My kids sent an email to our State Senator LuAnn Ridgeway and she responded and said we could stop by her office after the class. My oldest daughter wants to write a bill outlawing abortion and my son wants to have his bill say you can't get married till you are 18 (not sure where that came from :-)). My youngest daughter is still deciding.

The class is going to last from 9-3 and we are also going to have a tour of the capitol building. I'm looking forward to it and excited that my kids are going to be learning how to make a difference.