Saturday, February 03, 2007


If it wasn't mentioned before, it is now:
In Gaza City, the coastal strip's largest town, Fatah gunmen stormed the Agriculture Ministry, ransacking offices and stealing computers, servers and official documents, said Agriculture Minister Mohammed al-Agha. [...] Officials at the Hamas-run Communications and Postal Ministry said Fatah gunmen fired two rocket-propelled grenades at the building. Gunbattles also erupted around the Interior Ministry, which Hamas controls, and the Fatah-dominated National Security headquarters.

Universities also continued to be the site of clashes. Armed men at Islamic University, a Hamas stronghold, traded fire with Fatah fighters who took up position on the rooftop of nearby al-Azhar University and surrounding buildings. In southern Gaza, gunmen stormed the Fatah-affiliated Al-Quds University campus in the town of Rafah, torching the student council building, university officials said.
Well, that pretty much takes care of buildings where hate-mongering was no doubt being taught to students.

Reliapundit: Too bad the hate-mongering couldn't be destroyed too! ACTUALLY, THIS IS THE BIG PART OF THE STORY:
In a sign of growing Iranian meddling in the Middle East, an Iranian general and six others were seized by Palestinian security officers at a Hamas-controlled university where they ran a bomb factory in the school's chemistry labs, officials said yesterday. At least six people were killed in the shootout at the Islamic University after it was stormed by forces loyal to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

Iran has been known to finance Hamas, but the raid on the Gaza City university offered the first evidence that Iranian officials were taking an active, on-the-ground role in helping the Hamas terrorists.
If we want peace ion the ME then we must neutralize Iran.

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