Monday, February 19, 2007


Austria apparently hasn't changed much since WW2, when they, along with Germany, led the nazis. Now, as THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS related on February 13th, these rifles, built by Steyr-Manlicher, are being used by terrorists to murder soldiers in Iraq:
LONDON: Sophisticated rifles supplied to Iran by an Austrian arms company are finding their way into the hands of Iraqi insurgents, a British newspaper reported Tuesday. American troops have recovered more than 100 "Steyr .50 HS" rifles in Iraq, part of an Austrian consignment of 800 such weapons delivered to Iran over American protests that they could be given to insurgents, the Daily Telegraph reported.

The Austrian government approved the sale of the rifles, made by precision weapons maker Steyr Mannlicher GmbH, after it concluded in 2004 that they would be used to fight narcotics smugglers.

"We checked the proposal very thoroughly," Austrian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Astrid Harz said, noting that the situation in Iraq and the region in 2003-2004 was very different then than it is today.
No kidding. That is so naive and on-the-defensive, it's disgusting.
"What happened to the weapons then is the responsibility of the Iranians," Harz said.
Not to mention yours too, you disgraceful "politician". I AGREE WITH PUNDITARIAN'S TAB POST OF 2/13: there should be sanctions issued against Austria for what they've done!


  1. There has been no explanation made by the Austrians on how they decided that it was ok to sell these weapons to permit Iran to kill off suspected drug smugglers. Are they now supportive of the death penalty. This is the same with a trial or any due process other than the amount of force it take to pull the trigger.

  2. Oh gosh, the "good guys" are talking - do you believe your reputation made by hollywood? The U.S. is #1 in selling weapons, if you ever seen palestinian kids shot by M16 or thousands of Africans civilians (!) killed every year you close your eyes - but if someone shoot American Soldiers - full stop, blame someone who make weapons. Yes - I am definately for take responsibilty if you sell weapons, landmines etc. but you should not shrow stones if you sit in an glasshouse.
