Friday, January 05, 2007


UK scientists planning to mix human and animal cells in order to research cures for degenerative diseases fear their work will be halted. They accuse the body that grants licences for embryo research, the HFEA, of bowing to government pressure if it fails to consider their applications. Ministers proposed outlawing such work after unfavourable public opinion.

... The creation of hybrid human-animal embryos was first suggested as a way of addressing the shortage of human eggs available for research.
But the HFEA says it is unresolved whether this type of controversial work is permissible under existing laws - or even whether it falls under the HFEA's jurisdiction to grant a licence. The resulting embryos made are more than 99% human, with a small animal component. Opponents say this is tampering with nature and is unethical.
TAB first discussed this issue HERE. I think people who feel that there is nothing wrong with HARVESTING human eggs and then blending their human DNA with the DNA from cows or pigs or mice are amoral, or morally impaired. These are the same folks who see nothing wrong with abortion or euthanasia. WHY? Because they view humans as merely a collection of protoplasm momentarily animated by a culturally derived ego. They don't believe in the sanctity of human life. The believe humans are soulless. Perhaps they are projecting their feeling about themselves?

More on chimeras HERE.

1 comment:

  1. Either they are projecting how they feel about themselves, or they are trying to jettison their sense of moral responsibility because of some guilt with which they can not deal.
