Sunday, January 07, 2007


If the CUT & RUN REDS had not pulled the plug on the South Vietnamese government, then South Vietnam would be today as prosperous and free as South Korea is - instead of being an impoverished totalitarian state.

The CUT & RUN REDS did this to the democratic South Vietnamese government - OUR ALLIES - despite the fact that there were NONE/ZERO/ZILCH/NADA US ground troops serving in combat in Vietnam. Vietnam-ization had WORKED.

Now, while the USA and our allies are VALIANTLY trying to make Iraqi-ization work, the CUT & RUN REDS are essentially trying to do the same thing and pull the plug on our Iraqi allies.

At the present time, they are merely trying to tie the hands of our Commander In Chief and prevent him from ordering our military to do what must be done to help Iraqis defeat the enemy. Now, they are openly threatening to prevent the POTUS from ordering a Rapid Deployment Surge to assist our Iraqi allies halt the mayhem in Baghdad. But ultimately their aim is to force the USA to withdraw from Iraq on a predetermined and published timetable - something which ONLY aids the enemy.

This type of defeatism and appeasement has been standard Democrat Policy for decades. If you don't belive me, then read these three things:
First, read this column.

THEN READ THIS BOOK, "TRIUMPH FORSAKEN" (from Cambridge University press) - to find out how the our side was consistently WINNING THE VIETNAM WAR.

And then read THIS BOOK, "FAILING TO WIN" (from Harvard University Press) - to find out how the MSM and the CUT & RUN REDS succeeded in destroying our victory and handing it to our enemies.
(I will be excerpting key bits of these book in the next week or so.)

BOTTOM LINE: We should NOT have abandoned South Vietnam to totalitarianism - doing so condemned MILLIONS of people there - and in Laos and Cambodia - to concentration camps and genocide. There is no good reason we should repeat the defeatist and appeasing policies of the CUT & RUN REDS, and abandon the Iraqis and the Middle East to the same thing.


  1. A Marine Corps Vietnam vet thanks you.

  2. Sir, it is an honor to know that you are reading this blog. Thank YOU for your comment, and for your service to your Country and all humankind. I salute you for stepping up to answer your Country's call, and for serving honorably in defense of freedom. In a war in which you and your heroic brothers in arms won every major engagement militarily on the ground, but faced the bitterness of seeing your hard-won victories given away by the politicians and the media. Thank you for your service, your sacrifice, and your faith in America.

  3. i second the emotion, and added you to our blogroll - which is honored by its presence. semper fi. comeback again!
