Wednesday, January 17, 2007


The Leftist attack-site Media Matters is targeting conservative radio personality Michael Smerconish because he uses the word "sissy" (short for "sister") to describe various policies he disagrees with. The term is of course derogatory and implies a lack of manliness so I guess you are not now allowed to question anyone's manliness.

That seems rather strange given the feminist claim that sex-roles are all obsolete anyway. Shouldn't it be a compliment to be a "sissy" among todays's androgynous Leftists? Feminists have been proclaiming androgyny as the ideal for many years now. (See here.)

The attack-site gives various addresses that you can use to protest against Smercoinsh. It might be rather fun if readers here used the same addresses to support him!

(For more postings from me, see TONGUE-TIED, DISSECTING LEFTISM and EYE ON BRITAIN. My Home Page. Email me (John Ray) here.)

Reliapundit adds: When you use the above featured derogatory word correctly it's a SISSY FIT.

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