Friday, January 26, 2007


Yes, the left supports the troops, don't they? Check this out:

Sen. Russ Feingold, (D-WI), has scheduled a hearing next Tuesday in his Judiciary Committee subcommittee to explore whether Congress has the authority to cut off funding for the U.S. military campaign in Iraq. The move comes as Congress prepares to vote on a congressional resolution opposing President Bush’s escalation of the war.

Feingold, a fierce war critic, will force Democrats to consider an option many consider politically suicidal: denying funds to the military and U.S. soldiers to force a quicker end to the war. Democratic leaders have privately called on members to restrain from cutting off funding and focus on congressional resolutions condemning the Bush policy. The resolutions are nonbinding and therefore symbolic.

If the lefties always want to use the Viet Nam analogy to explain what's going on in Iraq, then they need to follow it through the whole way. When we abandoned Viet Nam, at the behest of the Lefties in our Congress, it was a disaster. The North Vietnamese almost immediately invaded the South (in direct violation of the Paris Peace Treaty), and millions died in the region, and millions more were forced to flee their homes. The Boat people, REMEMBER? That is the kind of thing that will happen in Iraq if we cut off the funding of the war. And to top it off, Iraq will be established as an Iranian proxy. Just what the world needs, a more powerful Iran.

The Lefties in our Congress are insane.

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