Tuesday, January 02, 2007


An absolute classic. CNN mistakenly puts up a graphic over a picture of Osama bin Laden saying "Where Obama?" It's like when you're just so smitten with a guy and you can't help but writing his name all over your history notebook with little hearts.

George W. Bush and Barack Obama have one major thing in common. The best thing for both of them would be for Osama bin Laden to be captured. MORE: CNN apologizes:

CNN apologized Tuesday for mistakenly promoting a story on the search for Osama bin Laden with the headline "Where's Obama?" A spokesman for Illinois Sen. Barack Obama said the apology was accepted. The blunder came Monday evening on Wolf Blitzer's news show "The Situation Room." Both Soledad O'Brien and Blitzer offered separate apologies during CNN's morning show Tuesday.

CNN called it a "bad typographical error" by its graphics department."We want to apologize for that bad typo," Blitzer said. "We also want to apologize personally to Sen. Barack Obama. I'm going to be making a call to him later this morning to offer my personal apology."

Tommy Vieto, Obama's press secretary, said he appreciated the bloggers and activists who brought the error to light so quickly and helped make sure it was corrected. "Though I'd note that the `s' and `b' keys aren't all that close to each other, I assume it was just an unfortunate mistake, and don't think there was any truly malicious intent," Vieto said.

CNN having malicious intent for Barack Obama? Please! I've already explained this guys...it's the exact opposite. The good liberals at CNN are like 13 year old girls around the second-coming of RFK. They've got Obama on the brain. (Crossposted at Jim-Rose.com.)

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