Friday, January 19, 2007


According to this Jerusalem Post editorial, which relates to the case of Shai Dromi:
No Negev farmer is exempt from the reign of terror imposed by Beduin gangs. The police do little, and rarely arrive even when summoned. Insurance companies will have nothing to do with the beleaguered farmers. Their only alternative is to pay exorbitant "protection" money to Beduin "guards" to prevent them from absconding with equipment, livestock and produce. This situation, as The Jerusalem Post warned in these very columns last week, is plainly untenable.

Dromi's case was a disaster waiting to happen, as noted in that same prescient editorial on January 10 - several days before the incident at Dromi's ranch. We titled that article "The Wild South" - the prevalent appellation for the lawless Negev, where no entrepreneur, homeowner or driver is safe from Beduin gangs.
Now I see. This is what happens when you have incompetants in charge. A call for a more responsible police chief, to say nothing of a new staff shuffle, is what's needed now.

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