Saturday, January 20, 2007


Hezbollah head Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah has welcomed the resignation of Israeli army chief Lt-Gen Dan Halutz in the wake of the two sides' summer conflict. Sheikh Nasrallah told his movement's al-Manar TV in Lebanon: "Any of them that don't resign will be forced out."

Gen Halutz said he was taking responsibility for the failures of the Israeli military campaign. Hezbollah's capture of two Israeli soldiers in July, and killing of eight others, sparked 34 days of fighting. A UN-brokered truce ended the conflict, in which more than 1,200 people died. ...n a three-hour interview broadcast live, Sheikh Nasrallah told al-Manar he had been "happy" when he heard of Gen Halutz' resignation.
By any rational measure Israel won the war; sure, it did not attain all of its goals, but it thrashed the enemy - who attained NONE of its goals... except perhaps a weird emotional edge, one which only suicidally inclined genocidal maniacs like jihadists can attain - as if they glory in defeat. (ASIDE: Egypt still celebrates the Yom Kippur War as a great victory even though the FACT is they lost!) BOTTOM LINE: Hizballah has not lost its resolve, yet. And wars only end when the enemy does lose their resolve.

This is why the UN shouldn't have intervened on behalf of Hizballah; the world would be safer if it let Israel do WHATEVER it takes, and lets Israel do it for as long as it takes - n order to CRUSH the maniacs of Hizballah.

In the same radio appearance Nasrallah said this - an OVERT THREAT against the democratically elected government of Lebanon:
In a separate development, Nasrallah promised Friday evening that his opposition alliance would intensify its campaign to bring down the government, pledging to mount an "effective" action in the coming days. Nasrallah told al-Manar that Hizbullah's consultations with its allies were drawing to a close and they would release a statement shortly that spelled out the steps to be taken. "I believe this action will be effective, very important and very big," he said. He would not divulge the plan but urged all Lebanese to support it.
I also believe WE should take an effective and very important and very big action: we should assassinate Nasrallah.

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