Wednesday, January 03, 2007


From an item which appeared in the "Style Section" of the January 3, 2007 Washington Post:
Rep.-elect Keith Ellison, the first Muslim elected to Congress, found himself under attack last month when he announced he'd take his oath of office on the Koran -- especially from Virginia Rep. Virgil Goode, who called it a threat to American values. Yet the holy book at tomorrow's ceremony has an unassailably all-American provenance. We've learned that the new congressman -- in a savvy bit of political symbolism -- will hold the personal copy once owned by Thomas Jefferson.

"He wanted to use a Koran that was special," said Mark Dimunation, chief of the rare book and special collections division at the Library of Congress, who was contacted by the Minnesota Dem early in December. Dimunation, who grew up in Ellison's 5th District, was happy to help. Jefferson's copy is an English translation by George Sale published in the 1750s; it survived the 1851 fire that destroyed most of Jefferson's collection and has his customary initialing on the pages. This isn't the first historic book used for swearing-in ceremonies -- the Library has allowed VIPs to use rare Bibles for inaugurations and other special occasions....
Thomas Jefferson was noted for his research on all religions. He could also have read the Koran for the purpose of doing research related to the motivation of the Barbary Pirates. It is unlikely that Mr. Ellison will mention the following when he holds that special Koran in his photo-op ritual:
Jefferson was always reluctant to reveal his religious beliefs to the public, but at times he would speak to and reflect upon the public dimension of religion... [...] ...[A]s he writes to William Short on October 31, 1819, he was convinced that the fragmentary teachings of Jesus constituted the "outlines of a system of the most sublime morality which has ever fallen from the lips of man."...
In contrast, Mr. Ellison does not hesitate in proclaiming his religious preferences. See "Ellison: Muslim Activism As Part Of Allah's Plan."

1 comment:

  1. Thomas Jefferson was involved in a war against muslim barbary pirates who were taking Americans as slaves as well as taking slaves wherever they went because the Koran said they could.
