Monday, January 01, 2007


And you'll notice the name of the station, which seems to suit it well: put another way, it's run by sharks. From AFP:
The Iraqi government said it has banned private television channel Al-Sharkiya from reporting in Baghdad after accusing the station of inciting sectarian violence. "The channel has been ordered to stop work in Baghdad forever," said interior ministry spokesman Brigadier General Abdel Karim Khalaf on Monday.

Khalaf said the ministry had told all television channels to take care reporting on violence so as not to "incite sectarian violence and hatred." "But Al-Sharkiya continued working in this direction," he added. A senior employee at the Dubai-based channel confirmed the ban in the Iraqi capital, now engulfed in sectarian warfare between Shiite and Sunni extremists, although it was not immediately clear whether the station could continue reporting from elsewhere in the country.
But look at what an even more positive step they took in banning a hate-mongering TV station from their country:
The government had also earlier banned pan-Arab station Al-Arabiya for a month in September and has permanently banned its better known Arabic-language rival, Al-Jazeera, from reporting in Iraq.
Now isn't that something! Al-Jazeera, as one of the worst of the hate-mongers, was rightfully and wisely banned by an Arabic country, of all places. And that's good. They're one of the most pro-terrorist TV channels to be found, and Iraq is doing the right thing to get rid of them. Western nations would be strongly advised to follow.

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