Sunday, December 03, 2006


It was called unconditional VICTORY. Everything else about how the war was run changed week-to-week: tactics, strategy, command structures, weaponry - you name it. And there were major disgreements between WSC and FDR, too. (WSC didn't want to let Stalin take half of Europe, for example - and he was right!)

So... here we are: three years into the Iraq Campaign of WW4 - a global war which Bush said (at the outset) was going to be long, and fought on many fronts (some open and some secret), and Rummy said in a memo that things in Iraq needed to be changed a little... and everybody is buzzing about it. (Here, too. And from Power Line.)

It's all a lot of BS, if you ask me. The Pentagon continuously does a "lessons learned" review and commanders in the field rightly have the most to say about what they need. Then there needs to be a re-assessment from time to time to be sure we are on the right track.

We do certainly seem to be at a possible fork in the road: AFTER ALL THE IRAQI GOVERNMENT - A DEMOCRATIC AND CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENT - has been in power now ALL OF SIX FREAKIN' MONTHS! IOW: it's way way way WAY too early to be counting the Iraqis out. UNLESS WE QUIT ON THEM!

BTW: for all the jerks who think we oughtta withdraw immediately, do you know that we are not only invited to stay in Iraq by their democratically elected constitutional government, but we are required by international law to stay there, and that this edict was just renewed MULTI-LATERALLY at the UNSC!?

IOW: withdrawing is not only the wrong thing to do, and a bad thing to do, and the unilateral thing to do, but illegal, too. So enough with Rummy and a change of course, already. ENOUGH! Sheesh.

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