Monday, December 18, 2006


The Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, faced electoral embarrassment today after the apparent failure of his supporters to win control of key local councils and block the political comeback of his most powerful opponent. Early results from last Friday's election suggested that his Sweet Scent of Service coalition had won just three out of 15 seats on the symbolically important Tehran city council, foiling Mr Ahmadinejad's plan to oust the mayor and replace him with an ally.

... Compounding his setback was the success of Hashemi Rafsanjani, an influential pragmatist and fierce critic of the president's radical policies. Mr Rafsanjani - whom Mr Ahmadinejad defeated in last year's presidential election - received the most votes in elections to the experts' assembly, a clerical body empowered to appoint and remove Iran's supreme leader. By contrast, Ayatollah Mohammed-Taghi Mesbah-Yazdi, Mr Ahmadinejad's presumed spiritual mentor, came sixth.
It's idiotic for folks in the West to be happy that Rafsanjani won - rather than Ahmadinejad; it's like prefering to be murdered by inhaled polonium versus ingested polonium. Rafsanjani is an indicted mass murderer who is no better than Ahmadinejad. The answer for the West is not Rafsanjani, but a complete overthrow of Iran's theocracy. REPEAT: nothing short of regime change in Iran will make the West safe, and Iranians free. (More on Rafsanjani HERE. Complete blog round up HERE.)

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