Tuesday, December 05, 2006


If you listen to Kofi Annan's interview on BBC you will hear him say "I did it my way". And that's the only worthwhile thing Kofi has to say.

His comments about the situation in Iraq, and the run up to the invasion, sound like Kofi has given up diplomacy and is planning to release his memoirs before he is forgotten. Kofi seems to be sticking his knife in the back of whomever he can while he is still commanding attention.

As you know, Kofi has been quoted as saying that the situation for regular Iraqi's is worse than before the fall of Saddam's regime. Obviously Kofi longs for the past: when the UN Oil For Food SCAMMERS - many of whom he was personally aquainted - ripped off BILLIONS OF BUCKS.

Kofi also states that the current situation in Iraq is "worse than civil war". I wonder where the murder of 800,000 people - which is what occured in Rwanda with Kofi on watch - lies on Kofi's scale of suffering?

Re;iapundit adds (as Frank might say): AY KOFI, don't let the door hit you on the way out!

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