Friday, December 01, 2006


Fairfax County does something right:
Fire up those ovens! The casserole is back.

The chairman of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors yesterday nixed plans to bar residents from cooking food in home and church kitchens and donating it to homeless shelters. He blamed overzealous county employees for a policy that made Fairfax the subject of nationwide ridicule....

In dozens of comments on the Washington Post's Web site, readers vented indignation over the ban on home-cooked food, calling it "idiocy," the product of a "bungling bureaucracy" and accusing the county of trying to block the faith community's efforts to help the poor....
For as long as I can remember, local churches in Fairfax County have provided delicious homemade meals for those less-advantaged. In fact, during the Thanksgiving/Christmas seasons, such service has traditionally been a large part of local custom, also involving the serving of the food by schoolchildren.

Fairfax County deserved national ridicule on this one. But if objections had not been voiced, those homemade meals would've been scrapped. For my own part, I'd rather eat a meal prepared by the Church of the Brethren than my own cooking!

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