Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Baghdad Schools Open - Gaza Schools Closed

Schools have been closed in Gaza amid what officials say is a state of anarchy caused by fighting between Palestinian factions Hamas and Fatah.

The education ministry acted after several children were among those hurt in a day of clashes that killed three. Violence has flared since Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas on Saturday called for new elections, a move the Hamas-led government branded a "coup".
And, read this statement from a Palestinian shopkeeper:
"Both sides used to fight the Israelis together. Now they are directing their weapons toward each other" - Suleiman Tuman, Palestinian shopkeeper
That's very telling. If you really think about it, this is true everywhere in the world. When Muslims do not have enough Infidels or Jews around to kill, they set to work killing each other. For instance, the genocide in Sudan has raged on for about 24 years now. For the first 20 years, the Arab/Islamic government of Sudan was primarily killing Christians and Animists, but they eventually ran out. Then, they started killing their fellow Muslims and, voila, the world started to take notice. They are currently killing primarily Sufi Muslims, but when they run out of Sufis, I'm sure the Sunnis and Shia will turn on each other.

Allah is a very hungry god, and he feeds on human blood. He reminds me of a certain Old Testament figure... named Moloch.

Reliapundit adds: Professor Reynolds calls it, "THE PALESTINIAN NON-CIVIL WAR." Heh.

I wonder when Matt Lauer of the TODAY SHOW or NBC News will decide to make a dramatic announcement and call the strife in Gaza a civil war? The 12th of Never, as they say...

Bottom-line: As long as Israel has a wall around Gaza, who cares if everyone in Gaza kills each other. I don't have a dog in that fight. The civilized world doesn't either. BTW: Remember when Israelis clashed with each other in Gaza, (during withdrawal)? It looked a little different. KNOW WHY? Both sides were civilized.

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