Sunday, December 03, 2006


Call me crazy, but I don't think this bodes well for Ahmadinejad and His Mad Mullahs. Avigdor Liberman is:
an ultra-nationalist whose party has 11 or 120 seats in Parliament, and has become indispensible to Olmert's ruling majority; he has, in the past, put forth a plan for the complete separation of Arabs and Jews within Israel; he has called for Israeli-Arabs to undergo loyalty tests; he has called for all Israeli-Arab politicians with any connection to Hamas or any terrorist organization to be put to death.
This does not sound like a guy who is going to deal nicely with OhMyDumbJihad. From Atlas Shrugs:
Israel creates new ministry to deal with Iran threat - The Israeli government has approved the creation of a new ministry for strategic affairs, to be headed by a controversial ultra-nationalist and deal mainly with Iran's nuclear ambitions. During the weekly cabinet meeting, "all the ministers approved the decision to form the ministry for strategic affairs" under Avigdor Lieberman, whose Yisrael Beitenu party joined Prime Minister's Ehud Olmert's government in October, a official said on condition of anonymity on Sunday.

The ministry will be responsible "for coordination between the different bodies regarding the different strategic threats Israel is facing," most notably Iran's nuclear programme, which the Jewish state and the United States believe is aimed at acquiring a nuclear bomb, despite Tehran's denials. Israel -- widely considered the Middle East's sole, if undeclared, nuclear weapons power -- considers Iran its chief threat, pointing to calls from President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for the Jewish state to be wiped off the map.
Reliapundit adds: Liberman is a real hawk, but I think his political oversight of this area will not determine very much. This man will (from August):
Maj. Gen. Elyezer Shkedy, Israel's air force chief, will be overall commander for the "Iran front," military sources told the London Sunday Telegraph.
(There's more; follow the link.) IMHO: If Bush continues to go wobbly, and fails to act, then Israel will act, and not later than February of 2008.

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