Tuesday, December 19, 2006


* On December 16, 2006, Egypt's Highest Administrative Court decreed that in order to receive an Identity Card, only Islam, Judaism, or Christianity must be entered on the application. No one of any other religion or no religion at all is permitted to list his belief or even leave it blank. Without the identity card, just about all the rights of citizenship are denied to minorities such as Baha'is, Hindus, and Buddhists. People are forced to choose between falsely claiming an approved religion and depriving themselves of just about all rights of citizenship such as jobs, education and medical care.

* In the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Islamic law denies dyyeh to any and all people who are not Muslims or members of the only other three recognized religions. Every one of the 500,000 members of the Baha'i Faith can be murdered without the family receiving justice or compensation. As a matter of fact, the Islamic government itself has executed Baha'is for the sole "crime" of being Baha'is and has demanded that the innocently murdered person's family reimburse it for the bullets they used to execute him.

* The Islamic Republic of Iran's President's repeated threat to wipe out Israel from the map is ignored by some as an empty rhetoric of an unhinged fanatic. Yet, Ahmadinejad's threats are far from the baseless saber-rattling of a zealot. Ahamadinejad's government has recently ordered the comprehensive gathering of data regarding the Baha'is and all their activities. This order is deeply troubling, since it is almost a replica of what another fascist, Hitler, did before launching the genocide of six million Jews and some four million other "undesirables". Ahamadinejad is an Islamofascist whose aim is to have a practice run on the Iranian Baha'is before embarking on destroying the Jews and other "undesirables," following in the footsteps of the German führer.

Read. The. Whole. Thing. Now.

Reliapundit adds: This is REAL apartheid, not the phony BS Carter whines about.

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