Thursday, December 21, 2006


Think the GOP lost the Congress because of the War in Iraq? I don't.

The narrow victories in both Houses achieved by the Democrat Party were based on their clever media manipulation of three "scandals:" the Abramoff affair, Mark Foley's IM follies, and Macaca-gate.
Abramoff gave money to Democrats and Republicans, but despite taking --and keeping-- piles of dough from the disgraced lobbyist, Harry Reid managed to paint the story as a GOP scandal.

The Washington Post devoted something like 150 articles to Macaca-gate, and maybe two or three to the issues in the Virginia Senate campaign.

And today, the Washington Times features an op-ed documenting the effect that the Mark Foley scandal had on voters across the country.
These three scandals are what turned the tide of public opinion against the GOP.

Reliapundit adds: Great point Punditarian. And may I add: these three scandals were so effective for the Left because they were so brilliantly manipulated by the Democrats and the MSM.

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